How do we choose a photographer/videographer?


If you’re getting married and you’ve locked down the date and the wedding venue, the next most important piece of the puzzle is the photographer and videographer.

With so many styles, price ranges and options to choose from, it can be a difficult challenge choosing one that right for you and your pocketbook.

After some careful thought and consideration, Carole and I have come up with some great guidance on how best to pick one of us for your wedding day.

First, Settle on a Style

The VERY first thing you need to think about is the style of wedding photography and video that you want.

It’s important because not every style fits every couple. While wedding filmmakers are longing to make the most cinematic video and wedding photographers are all trying to make the same light-and-airy images, they don’t fit everyone’s style.

Why do you think there are always different versions of the same things you’re seeking?

It’s not just weddings, there are different types of cars, styles of clothing, different types of sodas, different types of foods, houses, glasses, make-up, hair-styles and the like too.

Style is important because it helps showcase you.

The point I want you to take away is this, not every style is right for everyone.

Check out this great article from Adorama if you want to learn about the various styles, trust me, there are more than you think!

Second, Check the Budget

The next thing you need to do once you’ve settled on a style is look to your budget, NOT what everyone else is paying.

Why, not your asking to yourself?


Your wedding budget is NOT their wedding budget, so if you jump on Facebook and ask what everyone’s paying for wedding photos or wedding video, you will literally get zero to one-hundred thousand and EVERYTHING in between.

If you can only afford say $3,000, then look in that range $2,500-$3,000.

Think of it this way, a bride having a $15,000 wedding will not hire a $10,000 wedding photographer and a bride having a $100,000 wedding will not hire a $3,000 wedding photographer.

You need to look to what you can afford and many couples haven’t a clue what they should be paying based on their budget, rather on what everyone else is paying and thats a HUGE mistake.

If you don’t know what you should be paying, you need to take a look at our wedding budget tool. If you know your budget but don’t know which range you should be paying, try our wedding photography price tool.


Third, Setup Meetings with Us

Once you know the style and the range that you should be paying, you need to start your search for vendors like us.

The BEST way you can seek out wedding vendors is through Google and using regional keywords to help your search.

We’re in the Roanoke Valley, so couples here should be seeking vendors in the region. Here are a couple of sample keywords:

Reach out to 2-5 of us for your needs and ask to setup a meeting via phone, video chat or in person. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

You want to learn about the vendor, see what they have to offer and also see if you ‘click’ with them and I don’t mean that fake-click either.

Lot of vendors will put on a smile and pretend to want to be your BFF.

Well, this is a wedding and it’s an exciting time, but, so many vendors try to treat their clients like their best friends. First of all, we’re business owners and we’re hired to do a job, a great job.

As a couple getting married, you want someone fun, easy going, but also on tact with being able to gather their photos or video.

Invest in someone that will generate a great re-pour with you and seek out someone that has a good personality thats genuine.

Fourth, Check Out Some Recent Work

After the meeting, make sure that you see some recent work or they provide you through a link or email. Look beyond whats on the sample pages or blog pages if they post weddings as blogs.

  • You want to look for constant images, are they all clear, have a similar ‘feel to them.

  • For wedding videos, you want to make sure they have great audio, you can hear the people speaking clearly and if there is music instead, make sure you can hear the action in the back ground of the video.

recent work will give you a better understanding of what they did beforehand, additionally, you can also check out various reviews about the business too. A great resource is Wedding Wire for reviews and we suggest you check for constant reviews too.

Read View reviews: in  

Fifth, Compare Packages and What to Look For in Them

Comparing companies can be easy, if you know how to best do it.

By far, the BEST way is to create a spreadsheet and put in every thing they have to offer.

For example, the number of hours included, how many videos you get or how many photos on average you’ll receive, plus the value-added services that make the cost WORTH what you’re paying.


One thing I can tell you is that we ALL love value in everything we purchase.

Value is important to you, so you need to compare what they all have to offer.

Some people might say that spending thousands of dollars on a wedding photographer or video (many times both) is a stupid idea.

Think of it this way, you’re spending thousands on a venue, catering, your ring and your dress. Yet, you’re going to cheap out on wedding media?

We recommend you look at the complete picture of each package.

Let’s take a quiz, and don’t worry it’s super easy. Which of the following is MORE appealing to you?


Would you Choose A or B?

Let’s assume they are both professional with more than 15 years experience, but one offers less for more cost and the second offers more for less cost?

Well, if you are like most other people in the world, you’re looking for a great deal.

So, you need to take into account everything on the vendors plate they have to offer, not just the bulk of the details.

Sixth, Finally, See if You Click with the Vendor

If you agree with the cost of the services they offer, you need to go back to the vendor and determine if you click with them, like we talked about earlier.

It’s important for a vendor to be friendly, yet professional.

I remember I did a wedding a year or so ago in Blacksburg, VA. where the wedding photographer was dancing on the floor with the guests, drinking and acting a fool all while taking picture with her husband. While she thought she was being ‘besties’ with the wedding party, many guests were talking about how unprofessional she was at the wedding.

While it’s hard to determine if they’re going to act a fool, research with reviews, checking out their personal social media page and even reconnecting with them again over the phone can all be helpful in determining if they fit you and your personality.



How far in advance should I book my wedding vendors?


Micro Wedding Guide in Roanoke, VA