When Should You Send Save-The-Date’s for Your Wedding?
When Should You Send Save-The-Date’s for Your Wedding?
It’s a great question that many couples just like yourself ask when planning a wedding. Let’s face it, planning a wedding is a bit like driving a car for the first time and you haven’t a clue what to do, let alone when or how.
Well, no worries, I’m here to help you with that.
Today, I’m going to show you when you should be sending out those save-the-dates and a couple of money saving tips at the end that’ll help you make the most of them without breaking the budget too!
When Should We Send them?
Here is a breakdown of when I suggest that you send your save-the-dates depending on when your wedding month is.
Save the Dates sent by May-July
Mail Your Invites by Nov-Dec
Save the Dates sent by July-Sept
Mail Your Invites by Jan-Feb
Save the Dates sent by Sept-Nov
Mail Your Invites by Mar-April
Save the Dates sent by Nov-Jan
Mail Your Invites by May-June
Save the Dates sent by Jan-Mar
Mail Your Invites by July-Aug
Save the Dates sent by March-May
Mail Your Invites by Sept-Oct
Save the Dates sent by June-Aug
Mail Your Invites by Dec-Jan
Save the Dates sent by Aug-Oct
Mail Your Invites by Feb-Mar
Save the Dates sent by Oct-Dec
Mail Your Invites by April-May
Save the Dates sent by Dec-Feb
Mail Your Invites by June-July
Save the Dates sent by Feb-April
Mail Your Invites by Aug-Sept
Save the Dates sent by April-June
Mail Your Invites by Oct-Nov
Some Great Money Saving Tips for Wedding Invitations
If you’re looking to help maximize your savings on the wedding save-the-dates and wedding invitations, then I have a few suggestions for you.
First, try an online company in order to help save some cash. One place that I’ve told couples to use year after year is Vista Print. One their website, you can choose form hundreds of pre-made designs and even create your own from scratch. It’s super easy to make them and I’ve seen them for as low at about $.40 each when you buy them.
you can also Google other places online but I’ve been pretty happy with the in my own wedding years ago as well as my printed marketing materials here for our own business, Wedding Photos & Films.
How Much Should We Spend on Save-the-Dates and invitations?
If you look online, you’ll find many sources for spending the amount, but I have a few suggestions.
For your-save-the-dates, get them as magnets.
Why, you ask?
For one very simple reason, putting your STDs on the fridge.
See, as people get mail you tend to quickly forget what you received say two weeks ago, let alone a month ago.
By having magnet Save-The-Dates, your friends and family can place them on the fridge as a reminder that your wedding is coming down the pipe.
Now, based on 100 wedding guests, for magnet save-the-dates, spend no more than $150-$200.
Your wedding invitations should cost you a bit more and based on the number of people you invite, I’d say a safe number to spend is no more than $250, but try to keep it in that same $150-$200 range as the STD’s if you can.
Together, you want to try and spend about $300-$400 if you can if you are wanting to do it yourself and save some money.
There are some companies out there that offer high-end cards that you can purchase and if your having a luxury-style wedding, then I suggest you might have them create custom ones.
Although, prepare to pay a lot more for them.
I remember filming a wedding back in 2002 where the wedding invitations had real gold printing on them and each one cost the couple $22 to make and send out, they had about 280 at the wedding.
Could you imagine spending $6,160 on wedding invitations? Well, they did and trust me, it was a VERY expensive wedding running more than $140,000 in total.
Well, I hope this has been helpful, if it has, please share this on your social media page.
If you’re in the market for wedding photos, films, or a combination, my wife and I would love to hear from you, we travel all throughout the US taking care of our clients.